In this page we show different material we have prepared for the Vera C. Rubin Observatory LSST Project Community Workshop 2020.

Tutorial videos

Presentation video

Explorer tutorial video

SN Hunter video

Web interfaces

Search and explore candidates exploring our new frontend.

Discover new supernova with the SN hunter.

Presentations for LSST PCW 2020

One slide presentation, Thu 10.30 PT, Community Alert Brokers (see slide 16 here)

More information about ALeRCE in these slides

Light curve classifier, Tue 10.30 PT, Rubin Research Bytes, Session H. Transient Classification (see slides 7-9 here, minute 11 here)

Stamp classifier, Tue 10.30 PT, Rubin Research Bytes, Session J. Supernova Science (see slides 13-15 here, or following video)

Use case notebooks

alercebroker Github repository